Random Thoughts

👋 Exploring the future of coding and creativity in a world with AI assistance and no-code tools.

What does the future look like for me?

Today I woke up late. For some reason, I deleted all my alarms from my phone while I was traveling. Perhaps I was hoping that my internal clock would be reliable enough to push me off the bed. So now that the kids have missed their school, I decided it was apt to let my procrastination run rampant a little bit more.

X/Twitter is my morning beverage of choice. As soon as I click it open, I see post after post of Devin. Devin is not a real person. Devin is an AI that writes code for you. I gulp, sensing a rush of insecurities knocking at the back of my head - and I remember I forgot to hydrate myself. And since I am fasting, I have to bear the unsatisfactory swallow; and let the coping begin.

It has been a couple of months since I wrote code in production. Mostly, I have been going at it on sales and marketing. But like most software developers, I still consider writing code to be my raison d'etre, and the thought of it being reduced to a redundant chore, makes me feel things. Mostly sadness but also a wisps of hope crackle up my neck.

I am a sort of entrepreneur - perhaps this is a good thing. Now I can build things without spending more time coding things that have been coded a million times already. Coding, in my head, is gluing together bits and pieces until your program does what you want. I believe that has been the case for a while now. Who goes and writes a new authentication module when you have access to countless frameworks at your disposal?

Suddenly, the feeling of excitement swells up. I know Devin is probably not at a level where we can use it as a complete replacement. But it won’t be long until we can and that inspires me. I imagine launching new software products, using no-code tools, creating value - using my creativity and doing it all without writing a single line of code.

It is bittersweet, but I welcome what fate has in store for us. Pragmatism is key!